Android FAQs: Free RPG Gameloft Dungeon Hunter 4


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Free RPG Gameloft Dungeon Hunter 4

Dungeon Hunter 4

Dungeon Hunter 4 Hack and Slash Gameloft Games

The sequence is a top-down hack-and-slash action, but just creating the details at that provides it a little brief. There's also an extremely comprehensive RPG factor to the encounter, with character management, capabilities, upgradeable weapons, item developing, tasks and so much more.

Dungeon Hunter 4 is set in a legendary area of sorcery, devils and over the top fights for whole areas of the imaginary globe. You can choose one of four character  Battleworn, Blademaster, Warmage or Sentinel as well as their gender and name. After your brief Intro interval to the experience, you're let off on your own to begin eliminating the devils and defending your companions in the look for to finish your objectives.

Dungeon Hunter 4 Skills and Character

BladeMaster is a melee type that have a twin dagger i'ts almost like an assassin.You can only use 4 passive skills at same time and you can only have a single soul magic active at the battle.

Blade Master Skills

Laceration : Active Skill
Slash with both weapons at once

Dash : Active Skill
Slashing your enemy while forwarding in your way

Tiger Claws : Active Skill
Cuts and slashes that will make your foes bleed and a quick succession of slies

Chi Steal : Passive Skill
Attacking your enemies you can gain a energy

Mental Discipline : Passive Skill
Earn More Exp when your killing a monster

Risposte : Passive Skill
Chance to automatic damage to melee attackers

BattleWorn is a melee type like Blademaster but battleworn had only a single weapon and full of armor.  The most easiest character to perform in an single or solo MODE.

Not only because they can generate a lot of damage easily but also because they are fairly powerful against several attacks.

BattleWorn Skills

Obliterate : Active Skill
Crush the enemies with a power slam.

Charge : Active Skill
Knocking back the enemy foolish enough to get in your path

Arcane Armor : Active Skill
Summon set's of glowing armor that grants you 50% damage reduction to enemy

Cleave : Active Skill
Powerful slash will make them regreat

Battle Standard : Active Skill
Call down a glowing Valen Flag reduce the damage they take by 30%

Zealot : Passive Skill
When you take damage you can generate the energy

Leadership : Passive Skill
Quick learner and natural leader. Increase the EXP you gain

Burning Blade : Passive Skill
Increase the speed which you generate your health

Hardiness : Passive Skill
Increase the Health and Enerygy of BattleWorn

Devine Irispiration : Passive Skill
Decreases cooldown for Spirit Spells

Warmage is long range class, with the It’s the best AoE DPS ( Damge Per Second )
in the game. 3 (Three) effective abilities can be use at the time.You can only use 4 (Four) inactive abilities continuously. and you can only have a single soul magic effective from the time Spirit Spell  always remain but the statistics will change.

Warmage Skills

Arcane Blade : Active Skill
Shoot Magical Blades and bounce from target and into other target

Warp : Active Skills
Make an Explosive exit

Phase Shift : Active Skill
Slip Between worlds, reducing damage taken by 50%

Freeze Bay : Active Skill
Project and icy beam that can damage and slow your enemy

Ward of Terror : Passive Skill
Enemies that hit you have a chance become frightened

Life Leech : Passive Skill
Percentage of damage dealt to the enemy is returned to you as life

Divine Intervention : Passive Skill
Decreases Cooldown for Spirit Spells

Rejuvenation : Passive Skill
Mysterious energies that heal you

Sentinel long range type that using a bow and arrow to become their weapon and it's the best AoE dps damager in game like Warnage. Can only use 3 active skills and 4 passive skills. and you can also only have a single spirit active at the same time.

Sentinel Skills
Salvo : Active Skill
Very Powerful pray of arrows that harms and slow your enemies movement

Roll : Active Skill
Tumble forward to avoid Enemy

Quick Shot : Active Skill
Fire three powerful arrow that shot in quick seccession

Bear Trap : Active Skill
Drop Spiky traps that. Bleed and slow the enemy movement

Bloodsteal Arrows : Passive Skill
a percentage of damage dealt is returned to your HP

Divine Guidance : Passive Skill
deceases for spirit spells

Ealge Eye : Passive Skill
your eyesight increases

This is not all of their skills i only write the useful and very effective skills and so that you can perform and fight the monster without having a  problem. You can download it at Google Play for free.and visit the official Website of Gameloft.

And if your having problem with the game cos is very lag and the graphics is very High, you can do this and follow this simple steps by steps How to Reduce Lag and How to Reduce Graphics for better game.

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