Android FAQs: How to Fix Memory Low Android Devices


Friday, December 6, 2013

How to Fix Memory Low Android Devices

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Memory Low Fix Error

having  problem with your phone memory always having a pop up error " Low on Space " or
" Phone Storage Getting Low " and having problem to  Download Games your problem will now solved at this simple and 1, 2 , 3 tutorial first we must need to download Android Assistant to clean your non movable files and system, cache and making your phone have some free space.

Moving Apps Tutorial

find the Settings of your phone and after that click or chose the " Manage Application "
and you will see the list of your installed apps.

and now you may choose any apps or games that you want to move into your External Memory
after choosing games.

you may see the size of the apps or games that you choose lately and then hit the " Move to SD Card "
just wait for a few second to make the move successful and now your DONE.

do it to your other application or games that you want to move to your SD until your memory become free space.

After that you can now Download other games or Apps for your android Phone or Tablet.

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